
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fun..Family..& Orlando!!!

A few weeks ago, all my cousins, my parents, aunts, & grandma made our way out to Orlando. One of my cousins got married and for the first time, everyone was able to come to a family event. We've definitely tried in the past, but let's face gets crazy and shit happens! Two of us (myself being one of them) live on the west coast while the rest of my cousins live on the east coast, so getting all of us together is a major challenge! But we managed it!!

I decided early on not to take a day flight. I didn't have many days out in Orlando to see all my family, so I didn't want to waste an entire day sitting on an airplane. So, I hopped on a red eye!

While my theory of taking a red eye to not waste precious time was a good one...and one I'll continue to follow whenever I can...there was one problem. I CAN'T SLEEP ON PLANES! I knew this going in...but O.M.G. I was sooo tired when I got to Florida! I had only got about 3 hours of sleep the night before because of all my excitement, and I didn't sleep a wink on the plane! I basically worked with only a few hours of sleep a night the entire time I was out there because everyone in my family was on east coast time so they were all 3 hours ahead of me. It was worth it though.

My cousin Jeff, had a beautiful wedding. He's one of those guys who's SUPER quiet and rarely shows his sense of humor. He had his moment though. :) There was a collective chuckle when they kneeled down at the alter.

It was so awesome to see all my cousins again. There were some I hadn't seen in over 13 years!! Time goes so fast!! I love that we were able to all gather around my grandma and take a bunch of photos along with a few of her great-grand kids. 

And of course, with my family, a special event is never complete without a few shenanigans! Gotta love Jessie's photo bomb!!

<3 Ash

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